Aura and Justin are expecting their first baby, a boy, in April. Aura is a fellow photographer (see her gorgeous work here) here in the Seattle area. Although I've only lived here for a handful of months, I am so thankful for all of the wonderful peers that I've been able to meet. The talent of photographers in Seattle is mind blowing and I am honored when they ask me to do work for them. Justin and Aura live in Gig Harbor so I drove down to the Tacoma area to meet them for their session. Thanks to the help of one of my other photographer friends we found a wonderful open space to give Aura the warm, soft, "California" style images that I tend to shoot. The sun just barely peeked out at the end of our session despite the fact that the weather folks had called for a clear day. The weather in Seattle is so unpredictable in the spring! I am thankful that it was warm enough for Aura to not freeze wearing her pretty summer dress :)