6 Week Old Marcus + Fam! {Temecula Family Portraits}

Can you tell that it was over 80 degrees in these photos? It was! In mid-December! I've grown up in California and this weather surprised even me. I was so glad to have a nice day, especially having a young-kiddo out in the elements. We did the session at a great park in Temecula. Aren't they an adorable little family?? ...this may be my last post before the first of the year since I am on VACATION! Okay, not yet...I have my last wedding of the year tomorrow in Reno (have to drive through a snow storm to get there...wish me luck!) and my last portrait session of the year will be with my favorite clients on Sunday! Then, it's time to enjoy my family and cap the holidays off with a 4 day vacation to Oceanside in my parent's timeshare!

What a wonderful year it has been - see all of you sooooon!

*drumroll* And our winners are......

Wow, what a successful, amazing contest! Thank you everyone for your participation and your votes! Without further delay... First, the three voters who have each won a $10 Amazon giftcard, chosen by Random.org! Congrats to voters number 132, 125, and 152! Rebekah S, Robert Fee, and Ingrid Austin! I will be emailing you shortly.

Now, onto the contest winners!!!!

1st place and winner of a 16x20 gallery wrap canvas!

2nd place and winner of a top quality 11x14 print

3rd place and winner of a top quality 11x14 print

Little Brother Cash! {Riverside Newborn and Family Photographer}

You might recognize this great family from when I did Brody's 1 year photos in September in downtown Riverside. As you might have noticed, Crystal was pregnant. I was shocked to get a text from them at 5am on a Wednesday morning in November- Cash was born early at just 32 weeks. Not 3 days earlier, I was at their house discussing the specifics of their birth photography. We were planning on me photographing their birth- Crystal and John (okay, mostly Crystal!) were so excited and so was I. None of us had any idea that little Cash would come so early! Obviously such an early birth does not suit birth photography and from what I was told, Cash was not going to wait for anything, even his personal paparrazi ;) I was just so thankful that Cash and Crystal were doing well.  After a few weeks in the hospital Cash got to come home, healthy and happy! His big brother, 14 month old Brody, was adorable as always and I am so happy that John and Crystal now get to love two beautiful sons!